Today we want to announce the 5th Airship Parade in Bad Homburg, Germany on August 11th 2007. It's a unique event in Germany and maybe in the World. 9 airship are gonna be on site and flying, more than ever before, which is a record in Germany. The 9 airships will compete in the first ever airship bowling, where the pilots will have to knock over a stack of boxes with a ball attached to the airship. The site is the same as the 1. German Luftschiffparade from 1910, back then Kaiser Wilhelm II., the German Emperor at that time, ordered his war-airships to the town to get an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the different models.

Just like on this 22. April 1910 the parade is going to be a big folk fest, together with lots of information booths, films and music. Starting at 12 o'clock on August 11th the brewery "Graf Zeppelin" opens it's beer-garden and exhibitors open their booths, this is a rough overview of the program:
Legendary Atlantic-CrossingDr. John Provan, historian and airship-expert is in charge of the exhibitions at the parade. This time he revives the legendary Atlantic-crossing of the LZ127 Graf Zeppelin - service to North and South America. No other airship did more flights, transported more passengers and mail and travelled longer distances. 144 times the "Graf Zeppelin" crossed the Atlantic ocean, twice the airship and crew where greeted with a parade in New York
Special-Edition Stamps of the German PostThe LZ 127 is also the topic at the booth of the philately-team of the Deutsche Post. They open a special office at which you can buy stamps with the logo of the parade and the special-stamps about "Graf Zeppelin" which came out earlier this year. Also there is a Book about the "Graf Zeppelin" on sale that was just released.
Movies of the Zeppelin-MuseumThe Zeppelin-Museum shows some of their movies and the Collector Dieter Weih is selling speclia souvenirs.
Aerial-PicturesThe Basler insurance one of the main sponsors of the event has a tethered model airship with a ground controlled camera that allows to take pictures of the people on the ground, the pictures can then be seen on a Website (we are going to announce the correct address later).
Warm-up to the main eventStarting at 16 o'clock the warm-up begins. Guido Holz an airship-expert and moderator is going to introduce the 9 airship teams competing in the first German Airship-Bowling. The tournament is scheduled to start around 18:30 depending on the conditions. The 9 team in alphabetical order are Arnold Luftwerbung from Kassel, whose green white
HIT Radio FFH airship will be piloted by Germany's only female airship-pilot Pia Marie Witt. Out of Cologne comes Airgraphic Cologne for Germanwings, steered by Matthäus Smodis. Airovision GmbH & Co. KG out of Aachen is starting the the silver-blue
Linde-"Zeppelin" with Sebastian Harrer as it's pilot. Two airships come from Kißlegg, one of them is Helmut Seitz from Ballonsport Seitz who is piloting the Thomapyrin airship and the Andreas Merk with the Ratiopharm airship. Blue Sky Promotion from Barcelona, with their Pilot Daniel Stuber is driving for Hessen in his yellow-white airship. Wim van den Boogaard from the Cologne Airship Comany and the Gefa Flug GmbH from Aachen are also part of the teams. Last but not least there is The Airship Company from Stockach with their silver EnBW airship with Albrecht Fischer as it's pilot. We are going to introduce the teams in detail in the next few days so stay tuned.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We can also help you with travel arrangements, and are looking forward to seeing you in Bad Homburg on August 11th 2007. Check out the
Luftschiffparade Bad Homburg Website for more detail information, unfortunately only in German, but we have provided an autotranslated version in the links below. The pitures used in the article are copyright by Gerd Kittel/Kur- und Kongreß-GmbH Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe. More information can be obtained by emailing us at
airshipworld@gmail.com or directly via:
Kur- und Kongreß-GmbH
61348 Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe
Phone +49 6172 178 152 and +49 6172 178 110
E-Mail: tourist-info@kuk.bad-homburg.de
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