Sunday, January 4, 2009

Stundent needs help with technical Airship information

Dear readers today I am republishing an email that was posted to the Forum. If you could help Patrick maybe by giving him some pointers to books, or with direct advice that would be great.
HELP!! i'm designing an Airship

Hello people,

I am a design student at Coventry University and I am designing an Airship.

I would like to talk to Airship enthusiasts about what you think is important if airships were to come back into large scale production.

I want to create an airship capable of carrying heavy loads and would be interested in what you think I need to make this a realistic achievement. I am not an expert, but I would like to be well informed, so I have come to YOU. I have no target market in mind. I want to create something that can be used for lots of different uses; such as a luxury hotel, a mobile hospital and freight carrying. If I created an Airship that could be moulded into all these applications, it could be a relevent future vehicle, which has much better GREEN credentials that other modes of transport, such as the plane and boat.

Its the technical stuff, like structures, engines, volumes needed etc.. that i'm having trouble with so if you could help, it would be great.

looking forward to hearing from you

If you want to contact Patrick leave a comment to this post, send me an email to airshipworld at gmail dot com with "helping patrick" in the subject line or contact Patrick directly through Facebook.

1 comment:

cargoairships said...

Send me an email and I'll try to give you some assistance. A good organization to join and do some research (see publications) is:

It has a lot of info on cargocarrying airships.

You can email me at
