Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm not dead yet!

Dear Readers,
yes there haven't been any posts in over a month. And yes we claim to be a news blog, so why is it that Airshipworld seems to be on a hiatus? Well there are many things one of them is a big lack of time. I currently can't put in the time it would need to research a for an article and post it. I can't even keep up with the massive amount of emails I get for Airshipworld. So please stay subscribed I will do my best to resume regular news posts as soon as I am able to but I can not promise when that will be. One thing that I want to make clear that it is not a question of "if" but rather "when" so we wont go away don't worry.
If you can think of ways to support me to bring Airshipworld back into a regular schedule then please be so kind and share your ideas in the comments of this Blogpost.

Thank you,

Editor of Airshipworld


Anonymous said...

If you decided to report airshipworld tren you must do it routinely...
I wait for every article in your blog. Dut you get info is very seldom. Draw a conclusion!
at last ... or simply republish the articles from other authors, or get yor own info, but not shut up!
for ex. ...see Aerocrat blog in LJ and transfer the articles for you...
Or... close your blog forever!

Unknown said...

I don't get the feeling that within the Airship world there is so much activity that we must have incessant updates. I enjoy the more...leisurely and stately pace of information from the Airship community. More in keeping with the character of airships themselves.
So take all the time you need Andreas, I'm sure that if anything of true import were to happen relating to airships, you would be right on it, and the first I, and many others who enjoy your site would hear of it would be through this site.
So thank you and keep up the good work, when you can.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rana, you're doing a good job and it is ok to think and plan before posting. Otherwise you end up with the incoherence as demonstrated by the above anonymous.

As a solution for the time issue you could do what boingboing does with the use of a parnership of authors.

Darrell Campbell said...

Hello Andreas

We all know that there is slow progress in airships...even with the latest increasing interest and news. It's just a field with very few players, yet.

You are doing a fine job; and I echo Ramas' sentiments.

Perhaps sharing the load would be a good idea.....another person to help place news onto the blog?

Perhaps, a list on the blog of airship companies/enthusiasts, with contact that those many emails might go to several different desintations instead of piling up on you?

Darrell Campbell

Jamie B said...

I agree with the above comments (especially the one about the leisurely pace :)). Take a break!

But it is worth seeking help as it takes a lot of work to keep a blog up to date - many bloggers make light work and keep things fresh and interesting.

Perhaps a little competition for articles from your readers might be an idea?

will said...

I would like to contribute an article or an interview about solar or human-powered airships. Please get in touch with me!

Anonymous said...

This is a copy of an email I sent to Andreas, My apologies if it shows up twice on this blog but that shouldn't happen.

Andreas, Do what's comfortable! Airships will happen without you. Just not as quickly ;-]

The Isopolar Airships to the Arctic Convention must have been great, they had some important airshippers appearing there Oct 8 - 10, 2009.
Alan Handley of Varialift Airships was the first speaker, talking of his monocoque construction which he's using to build his Proof Of Concept vehicle.
I helped him do some welding on the POC article in Wolverhampton England and it is really pretty and should make its First Flight in November. Alan said it'll be a tethered flight simply to show that his method for dynamic buoyancy control is effective.

That control will constitute the miracle which airshippers have been dreaming of before now.

see it at
~~~~The Nav~~~~